I have only 24 copies of Shaky Past available as a paperback.
These are the last copies (found tucked away in a cupboard) as the book is now out of print and available only as an eBook (
I am making these last copies available at a special price to celebrate Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, and show that Parkinson’s is not always a “life sentence”, but can be a journey to wholeness.

A story of survival; a journey from stage 4 Parkinson’s Disease to Recovery.
John Coleman is a survivor.
He has survived childhood abuse, asthma, rheumatic fever six times, stage 4 Parkinson’s disease, stage 3 Bowel cancer and a “widow maker” heart attack.
John is more than a survivor; he has emerged triumphant from his life challenges. Co-founder of Very Special Kids (1984) and Founder of the Neuro Recovery Foundation (2000) are only two of the ways he has celebrated his life.
Shaky Past tells the story of the first sixty years of John’s journey and hints at more adventures to come. The story, at times, is raw and challenging but there are also times of tenderness and happiness.
This is a story to encourage all those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or a similar “incurable” disorder. The message is simple, we have a choice to continue along the expected pathway of degeneration and hopelessness, or to challenge ourselves, make many changes, and move towards robust health and wholeness.
This is a special price for Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month only.
Also check out the special on a combined purchase of Shaky Past and Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease, and a limited special price of Rethinking Parkinson’s Disease.
Shaky Past: RRP A$25; Special Price this month A$19.95
This is a bargain price, for a very limited time, on two of the best books for those diagnosed with Parkinson's or similar disorders, and those who care. for someone on the journey.
SHAKY PAST is the story of John Coleman who was diagnosed with stage 4 Parkinson's disease and early-stage Multi-system Atrophy in 1995 but, after years of challenge, change, despair and triumph, returned to robust good health.
RETHINKING PARKINSON'S DISEASE is the definitive book for those wanting to discover the causes of their Parkinson's symptoms and develop strategies to recover their health.
These books are available separately, but here is a way to get two great books at a bargain price.
See all the details at!/Books/c/14192205
This offer is only available through April - Parkinson's Awareness Month.

Normal RRP $64.99; Bargain price $49.99